Monday 6 March 2023

Network Ports and Protocols Cheat Sheet

Network communications are governed by a set of rules called protocols. Each protocol is assigned a port to allow applications to communicate. Below is a list of common protocols;

20FTP-dataTCP, SCTPFile Transfer Protocol data transfer
21FTPTCP, UDP, SCTPFile Transfer Protocol command control
22SSH/SCP/SFTPTCP, UDP, SCTPSecure Shell, secure logins, file transfers (scp,sftp), and port forwarding
23TelnetTCPTelnet protocol, for unencrypted text communications
25SMTPTCPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol, used for email routing between mail servers
42WINS ReplicationTCP, UDPMicrosoft Windows Internet Name Service, vulnerable to attacks on a local network
43WHOISTCP, UDPWhois service, provides domain-level information
49TACACSUDP; can also use TCP but not necessarily on port 49Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System, provides remote authentication and related services for network access
53DNSTCP, UDPDomain Name System name resolver
67DHCP/BOOTPUDPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol and its predecessor Bootstrap Protocol Server; server port
68DHCP/BOOTPUDPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol and its predecessor Bootstrap Protocol Server; client port
69TFTPUDPTrivial File Transfer Protocol
80HTTPTCP, UDP, SCTPHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) uses TCP in versions 1.x and 2. HTTP/3 uses QUIC, a transport protocol on top of UDP
88KerberosTCP, UDPNetwork authentication system
102Microsoft Exchange ISO-TSAPTCPMicrosoft Exchange ISO Transport Service Access Point (TSAP) Class 0 protocol
110POP3TCPPost Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3)
113IdentTCPIdentification Protocol, for identifying the user of a particular TCP connection
123NTPUDPNetwork Time Protocol
135Microsoft RPC EPMAPTCP, UDPMicrosoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Endpoint Mapper (EPMAP) service, for remote system access and management
137NetBIOS-nsTCP, UDPNetBIOS Name Service, used for name registration and resolution
138NetBIOS-dgmTCP, UDPNetBIOS Datagram Service, used for providing access to shared resources
139NetBIOS-ssnTCP, UDPNetBIOS Session Service
143IMAPTCP, UDPInternet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), management of electronic mail messages on a server
161SNMP-agents (unencrypted)UDPSimple network management protocol; agents communicate on this port
162SNMP-trap (unencrypted)UDPSimple network management protocol; listens for asynchronous traps
179BGPTCPBorder Gateway Protocol
194IRCUDPInternet Relay Chat
264BGMPTCP, UDPBorder Gateway Multicast Protocol
318TSPTCP, UDPTime Stamp Protocol
389LDAPTCP, UDPLightweight directory access protocol
427SLPTCPService Location Protocol
443HTTPS (HTTP over SSL)TCP, UDP, SCTPHypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) uses TCP in versions 1.x and 2. HTTP/3 uses QUIC, a transport protocol on top of UDP.
445Microsoft DS SMBTCP, UDPMicrosoft Directory Services: TCP for Active Directory, Windows shares; UDP for Server Message Block (SMB) file-sharing
464KerberosTCP, UDPFor password settings on Kerberos
465SMTP over TLS/SSL, SSMTCPAuthenticated SMTP over TLS/SSL (SMTPS), URL Rendezvous Directory for Cisco’s Source Specific Multicast protocol (SSM)
497Dantz RetrospectTCP, UDPA software suite for backing up operating systems
500IPSec / ISAKMP / IKEUDPInternet Protocol Security / Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol / Internet Key Exchange
513rloginTCPThe Unix program rlogin allows users to log in on another host using a network.
514syslogUDPSyslog Protocol, for collecting and organizing all of the log files sent from the various devices on a network
515LPD/LPRTCPLine Printer Daemon protocol, or Line Printer Remote protocol
520RIPUDPRouting Information Protocol, used to find the optimal path between source and destination networks
521RIPng (IPv6)UDPRouting Information Protocol next generation, the IPv6 compatible version of RIP
554RTSPTCP, UDPReal Time Streaming Protocol
546DHCPv6TCP, UDPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol version 6. DHCPv6 Clients listen for DHCPv6 messages on UDP port 546.
547DHCPv6TCP, UDPDHCPv6 Servers and DHCPv6 Relay Agents listen for DHCPv6 messages on UDP port 547.
560rmonitorUDPRemote Monitor
563NNTP over TLS/SSLTCP, UDPNetwork News Transfer Protocol with encryption and verification
587SMTPTCPFor email message submission via SMTP
636LDAP over TLS/SSLTCP, UDPLightweight Directory Access Protocol over TLS/SSL
639MSDP (PIM)TCPMulticast Source Discovery Protocol, which is part of the Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) family
646LDP (MPLS)TCP, UDPLabel Distribution Protocol, applies to routers capable of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
691Microsoft ExchangeTCPMicrosoft Exchange Routing
860iSCSITCPInternet Small Computer Systems Interface
873rsyncTCPThe rsync file synchronization protocol efficiently transfers and synchronizes files between devices and networked computers.
902VMware ServerTCP, UDPVMware ESXi, a hypervisor
989FTPSTCPFile Transfer Protocol (data) over TLS/SSL
990FTPSTCPFile Transfer Protocol (control) over TLS/SSL
993IMAP over SSL (IMAPS)TCPInternet Message Access Protocol over TLS/SSL
995POP3 over SSL (POP3S)TCP, UDPPost Office Protocol 3 over TLS/SSL

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