Monday 6 February 2023

Sparklines in Google Sheets

 Sparklines are smalls charts that help visualise data within spreadsheets. Sparklines can used in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel. In the below example we will show 4 ways of using sparklines in Google sheets.

Column Charts

Below we have a simple spreadsheet with some data on minutes played for a range of players per game. Once you have some data, to create a column chart in sparklines simply type the formula in the location you want it ; =sparkline(B3:F3,{"charttype","column";"color","red"}). For this example its in B14 and the column chart will form from the data in cell range B3:F3, then specify the charty type and the color that you want it displayed in.

Spakline - Line Graph

In the below example for a line graph the data is the same as the above. As line graphs are sparkline defaults we do not need to specify the chart type. In cell B14 I have used the following formula to create the green line graph, just ammend yours accordingly; =SPARKLINE(B3:F3,{"color","green"})

Bar Chart

Bar charts can be used to show progress towards completion. In the below example we have a representation of the total number of minutes played against the highest in the group. To create such a bar chart type the following forrmula in the cell you want it the visual to go; 


Finally we have the winloss chart. In this example we are assessing player performace as either a positive or a negative. This could be a monetary value in an alternate story. The formula for the below result is simply assessing the data on row 10



The above examples of bringing yoru data to life. Have a play around with colours and also your data to best represent what you are trying to achieve. Happy spreadsheeting ⌣

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